We'll be in Shared Learning - 471 A few of us have been playing around with Flutter for fun and for profit. This is an opportunity to meetup and work on projects together. The focus will be on flutter, but you're free to work on anything you might be interested in. Bring your laptop! To learn more about Flutter, visit the link below: https://flutter.io/ I'll be working on a flutter mobile/we
16 RSVP'd
We'll be in Shared Learning - 471
A few of us have been playing around with Flutter for fun and for profit. This is an opportunity to meetup and work on projects together.
The focus will be on flutter, but you're free to work on anything you might be interested in.
Bring your laptop!
To learn more about Flutter, visit the link below:
I'll be working on a flutter mobile/web project and possibly writing about using a charting library with flutter mobile/web.
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