DevFest 2019 @GDG Zhengzhou

GDG Zhengzhou

DevFest 2019 郑州站做了什么准备? What's the preparation for DevFest 2019 Zhengzhou? 郑州 GDG 与全球其他 GDG 社区一样,也将举办 2019 年年度的 DevFest 活动,这也是自郑州 GDG 成立以来第 5 次举办 DevFest 活动。 Zhengzhou GDG, like other GDG communities around the world, will also host the annual DevFest event in 2019, which is also the fifth DevFest event to be held since the establishment of Zhengzhou GDG. 本次活动我们聚焦于 Android/Kotlin、Machine Lea

Dec 8, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

7 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidMachine LearningWeb

About this event

DevFest 2019 郑州站做了什么准备?
What's the preparation for DevFest 2019 Zhengzhou?

郑州 GDG 与全球其他 GDG 社区一样,也将举办 2019 年年度的 DevFest 活动,这也是自郑州 GDG 成立以来第 5 次举办 DevFest 活动。
Zhengzhou GDG, like other GDG communities around the world, will also host the annual DevFest event in 2019, which is also the fifth DevFest event to be held since the establishment of Zhengzhou GDG.

本次活动我们聚焦于 Android/Kotlin、Machine Learning、TensorFlow 等时下先锋技术,并邀请到了众多 Google 技术专家(Google Developers Experts、GDE)与我们分享他们对Android/Kotlin、Machine learning、TensorFlow 的认识。
In this event, we focused on current pioneering technologies such as Android / Kotlin, Machine Learning, and TensorFlow, and invited many Google technical experts (Google Developers Experts, GDE) to share their knowledge of Android / Kotlin, Machine learning, and TensorFlow.

本场活动与 GDG Zhengzhou 其他活动一样, 不收取任何费用, 我们欢迎所有人到场参与, 报名请点击下方报名按钮并填写我们要求的Google Form表单
This event is the same as other events of GDG Zhengzhou, no fees are charged, we welcome everyone to participate, please click the registration button below and fill out our requested Google Form


Speakers and topics

朱凯 - Android GDE
分享主题:Kotlin Coroutines 和 Jetpack 的结合使用
Kai Zhu - Android GDE
GDE profile link:
Topic: Kotlin Coroutines and Jetpack

燕阳 - Machine Learning GDE
分享主题:What's new in TensorFlow 2.0
Leo Kuri - Machine Learning GDE
GDE profile link:
Topic: What's new in TensorFlow 2.0

王玉成 - IoT GDE & Machine Learning GDE
分享主题:Kubeflow 来袭
Yucheng Wang - IoT GDE & Machine Learning GDE
GDE profile link:
Topic: Oncoming Kubeflow

William Hoang(黄润康)- 工程师经理
分享主题:Building NLP Applications with Tensorflow
William Hoang - Engineer manager
Topic: Building NLP Applications with Tensorflow

dameng - 全栈工程师
分享主题:API-First Approach to Build Products
dameng - Full stack engineer
Topic: API-First Approach to Build Products


Official registration form:

Rest assured, we do not collect personal information



1. 请务必通过我们要求的表单提交报名信息即可
我们的活动报名使用 社区自定义表单 ,报名后请大家等待邮件回执确认报名。
1. Be sure to submit your registration information through the form we require
Our event registration uses the community custom form. After registration, please wait for the email receipt to confirm the registration.
If you want to participate in the hackathon, you need to fill in the hackathon registration form separately, but please note that the number of hackathons is limited and you need to fill in the registration information carefully. This will be the basis for our selection and review of the branch venue.

2. 我们将在提交申请的 10 天内为大家发出审核确认邮件
主会场及黑客松的参与均需审核,请您留意回执邮件,审核信息将通过 Gmail 发送至您的预留邮箱里。
也请不要设置邮件拦截,我们将通过邮箱发送参会手册,请注意查收,以免错过重要信息, 如长时间没有收到确认邮件, 请检查垃圾邮件
3. We will send you a confirmation email within 10 days of submitting your application
The participation of the main venue and the hackathon needs to be reviewed. Please pay attention to the receipt email. The review information will be sent to your reserved mailbox via Gmail.
Please do not set up mail blocking. We will send the conference manual by email. Please check it carefully to avoid missing important information. If you have not received the confirmation email for a long time, please check for spam.


  • Jingang He



  • Fanlei Jin




  • 浩洋


  • ying ding

    WTM Ambassador & GDG Organizer

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