GDG Zhengzhou

34 Group Members

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GDG (Google Developer Groups) is a global project by Google Developers Department, a community of people interested in Google and other open source technologies, including Web/Chrome, Android, ML, Flutter and other Google APIs. GDG Zhenghzou is one of the many GDG communities that have formed in major cities around the world. Here you can learn about Google's latest technologies, products and information, as well as find technical exchange and discussion partners, make friends and expand your horizons in the national and global GDG. The organizers of the community are all Internet professionals from various industries, and we need more new blood to join. If you're interested in Google Technologies, have deployable spare time, share the community's values, and would like to contribute to the community, join us as a community volunteer!

GDG , 即 Google Developer Groups 谷歌开发者社区,是谷歌开发者部门发起的全球项目。GDG 是面向对 Google 和开源技术感兴趣的人群而存在的公益性开发者社区,内容涵盖 Web/Chrome、Android、机器学习、Flutter 和其它 Google API 等。全世界各大城市都成立了自己的 GDG 社区,GDG Zhenghzou (郑州谷歌开发者社区)也是其中之一。在这里,你能更及时地了解 Google 最新技术、产品与信息,也能在全国乃至全球 GDG 中,找到技术交流、讨论问题的伙伴,结交朋友、开拓视野。社区中的各位组织者均是来自各个行业有着本职工作的互联网从业者,我们需要更多新鲜血液的加入!如果你对谷歌技术感兴趣,业余时间可调配,认同社区的价值观,愿意为社区做出贡献,欢迎加入我们成为社区志愿者!

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Jingang He

Organizer GDG Zhengzhou

Fanlei Jin


李 潇

Organizer HNZYCFC

郭 浩洋


ying ding

WTM Ambassador & GDG Organizer

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