Opening Day

GDG Tlemcen

#GDG_TLEMCEN is pleased to announce the organization of a Welcome Day. During three hours, the audience will be informed by the founders of the GDG about all the necessary information so getting a global idea about this group (aims, plans, Code Labs…).

Nov 19, 2019, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM


Key Themes

About this event

#GDG_TLEMCEN is pleased to announce the organization of a Welcome Day. During three hours, the audience will be informed by the founders of the GDG about all the necessary information so getting a global idea about this group (aims, plans, Code Labs…).


  • ilhem kacimi

    GDG Organizer

  • Meryem Kacimi

    GDG Organizer

  • Hamidi Mohammed

    GDG Organizer

  • Mohsen Ghalem

    GDG Organizer

  • Abdelghani Yacine BARKA

    GDG Organizer


    GDG Organizer

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