Google I/O Extended Saarbrücken (beta))

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, Saarland Informatics Campus D 3.2, Saarbrücken, 66123

GDG Saarbrücken

We are organizing a small Google I/O extended event on May 11 in Turing II room. The idea behind it is to bring people with IT background, who fled Ukraine because of the war, together with IT specialists from Saarland and enjoy Google IO together.

May 11, 2022, 4:15 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

6 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Google I/O Extended

About this event

We are organizing a small Google I/O extended event on May 11 in Turing II room. The idea behind it is to bring people with IT background, who fled Ukraine because of the war, together with IT specialists from Saarland and enjoy Google IO together.

Since we're organizing this event on a very short notice, we cannot invite as many guests as we would like to. Therefore getting RSVP doesn't guarantee your attendance. Among those who sing up for event, we'll randomly choose people who we invite to join us. By getting RSVP you agree to abide by current COVID regulations, if chosen. Due to mentioned COVID regulations it is prohibited to serve any drinks/food at the event.

More on current COVID regulations:
• Visitors to DFKI must be vaccinated against, recovered from, or tested for Covid-19 and be able to provide proof of this.
• A person is considered fully vaccinated if he or she can present proof of vaccination in accordance with the Covid-19 Protective Measures Exemption Ordinance (SchAusnahmV) of the federal government. Accordingly, the second vaccination dose (except for single-dose vaccines) must have been given 14 days ago.
• A person is considered to have recovered if he or she has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR, PoC-PCR, or other nucleic acid detection within the past 6 months and the test result must date back at least 28 days.
• A person is considered tested if he or she can provide a daily negative Covid-19 test. There is an option to self-test on-site (Monday - Friday 8:30 am-11:30 am).
• Please do not enter the building if you are suffering from cold or flu-like symptoms or have been in a risk area designated by the RKI for more than 72 hours within the previous 14 days.
• Please wash or disinfect your hands upon entering the building.
• Please maintain a minimum distance of 1.50 m from other people. Persons speaking to the group must maintain a minimum distance of 2.00 m.
• Masks (medical face masks/OP masks or also masks of standards KN95/N95 or FFP2 or higher standards) are mandatory when moving around the building, visiting, and until you reach your assigned seat.
• Your data (first and last name, address, e-mail or telephone will be noted on a list of participants and destroyed after a retention period of four weeks.


Event start
Keynote start
Event end


German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) logo

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)


  • Volodymyr (Vlad) Ivanov

    GDG Saabrücken

    Founder and co-coordinator

  • Anastasiia Chervotochenko

    Programmer, GDG Saarbrücken students Co-organizer

  • Bayezid Hossen

    Universität des Saarland

    GDG Saarbrücken Event co-organizer

  • Nadiia Perekuta

    GK Software SE

    Test Analyst GDG Saarbrücken co-organizer

  • Amit Nair

    UdS student, GDG Saarbrücken co-organizer

  • Taisiia Romanovska

    AkknaTek GmbH

    Technical and Medical writer

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