GDG Minsk Web Meetup

GDG Minsk

On March 03, SPACE will host the GDG Web Meetup. Program: “What Svelte3 hides?!” Artsemi Sinitsa Artsemi will tell what Svelte3 is hiding and together we will look inside to find out if it is really good, how the community speaks of it. We’ll also discuss the impact of Svelte3 on the future of web developers. Or maybe it has already influenced? “Chrome DevTools: Console” Andrey Kuntsevich

Mar 3, 2020, 4:00 – 6:00 PM

2 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

On March 03, SPACE will host the GDG Web Meetup.


“What Svelte3 hides?!”
Artsemi Sinitsa

Artsemi will tell what Svelte3 is hiding and together we will look inside to find out if it is really good, how the community speaks of it. We’ll also discuss the impact of Svelte3 on the future of web developers. Or maybe it has already influenced?

“Chrome DevTools: Console”
Andrey Kuntsevich

Let's talk about the console in chrome devtools and consider all the points that you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. In the report, we show that the tools we use daily are able to do much more than console.log () and how much these things can be useful in the processes that we do daily.
The speaker will help and explain non-trivial practices that you can bring to your work processes and surprise colleagues.

🕖Participants gathering - at 18.30, the start - at 19.00.

Pre-registration is available here -
Participation is free.


  • Pavel Shchahelski

    Flo Health Inc

    GDG Organizer

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