GDG Minsk

40 Group Members

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Disclaimer: GDG Minsk is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about GDG program, visit

Google Developer Group (GDG) Minsk is a non-profit developers group that was created for people who'd like to know more about Google technologies and want to share their experience with others. Our technical directions: Android, Web, Cloud, IoT.

Our events are open to all developers, QAs, designers, and managers who are interested in Google technologies and APIs or already use them as a part of their projects.

Upcoming events

24 oct 2024

Workshop / Study Group

Coffee & Code: Kotlin Coroutines

During the offline meetup will cover basic things about Kotlin Coroutines.

Past events

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Pavel Shchahelski

GDG Organizer Flo Health Inc

Chapter Video

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