On June 27, the GDG Minsk community will hold a new Web Meetup. Registration is required to participate >> https://eventspace-by.timepad.ru/event/1002649/ Agenda: \- Introduction to JAM / Netlify, Ilya Zaprutsky, Senior Software Engineer & Team Lead, iTechArt. \- The Great gatsbyjs, Valentin Gil, Frontend developer, XB Software. Registration of participants from 18.30, action starts at
On June 27, the GDG Minsk community will hold a new Web Meetup.
Registration is required to participate >> https://eventspace-by.timepad.ru/event/1002649/
- Introduction to JAM / Netlify, Ilya Zaprutsky, Senior Software Engineer & Team Lead, iTechArt.
- The Great gatsbyjs, Valentin Gil, Frontend developer, XB Software.
Registration of participants from 18.30, action starts at 19.00.
Flo Health Inc
GDG Organizer
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