🔥 The Big Android Academy Hackathon on its way! We will gather for 24 hours to challenge ourselves, push the boundaries of our knowledge and have a lot of fun! Any idea, any complexity, any API or SDK to use. The main idea - to design things, write code, talk, share and dance! :) ✅ An idea for Application: You freely to work on anything you would like to. The goal to have an application wi
🔥 The Big Android Academy Hackathon on its way!
We will gather for 24 hours to challenge ourselves, push the boundaries of our knowledge and have a lot of fun!
Any idea, any complexity, any API or SDK to use.
The main idea - to design things, write code, talk, share and dance! :)
✅ An idea for Application:
You freely to work on anything you would like to. The goal to have an application with one full feature working.
✅What to bring:
– Smile & Hugs
– Comfortable cloth/Costume (you invited to be creative!)
– Toothbrush and Personal Hygienic staff
– Laptop with Android Studio, Git, AVD installed and working properly
– Power cable for laptop
– Android devise with data cable for testing
🕖Full agenda & registration https://www.eventbrite.com/e/android-academy-minsk-hackathon-24-hours-of-creation-tickets-78607405867
Great thanks to our partners Fitbit & EPAM.
Flo Health Inc
GDG Organizer
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