Android Developer Meetup

GDG Minsk

We are waiting for everyone who is interested in Google technologies and API, as well as those who are already successfully implementing them in their projects. **Admission is free by prior registration** \- Agenda: 💥 **Unit-Testing of presentation layer, Vladimir Khudnitsky, Mobile Lead at Springworks AB** Vladimir will show how to build an architecture that will allow y

Oct 24, 2017, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

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About this event

We are waiting for everyone who is interested in Google technologies and API, as well as those who are already successfully implementing them in their projects.

Admission is free by prior registration -


💥  Unit-Testing of presentation layer, Vladimir Khudnitsky, Mobile Lead at Springworks AB

Vladimir will show how to build an architecture that will allow you to test the behaviour of fragments/activities using unit tests and do it quickly without waisting time

💥  Firebase: to use or not to use?, Andrei Mykamolov, ASW Systems a.s., Developer

If you want to integrate Firebase into your current project or want to start a new application based on Firebase, then you will probably be interested to know how it will behave in production and how much effort is needed for integration. The presentation will describe the most high-tech technologies provided by Firebase - Realtime Database and Cloud Functions, the cost of implementation and crutches that are born during integration, as well as several useful libraries and a real example.

The partner of the community is the company Social Discovery Ventures


  • Pavel Shchahelski

    Flo Health Inc

    GDG Organizer

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