On April 27th (Monday) webinar Android Advanced Topic #6 - Optimization - from Android Academy Minsk will be held. FORMAT - webinar. ⚡️You can subscribe to online streaming using the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oCFVHJ3TSY In order to receive later notifications of other online events you can easily subscribe to our channel on youtube 👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJH
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On April 27th (Monday) webinar Android Advanced Topic #6 - Optimization - from Android Academy Minsk will be held.
FORMAT - webinar.
⚡️You can subscribe to online streaming using the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oCFVHJ3TSY
In order to receive later notifications of other online events you can easily subscribe to our channel on youtube
➡️ Registration - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/android-advanced-topic-6-optimization-tickets-102150236106
There are two basic rules for writing efficient code:
1️⃣ Don't do work that you don't need to do.
2️⃣ Don't allocate memory if you can avoid it.
One of the trickiest problems you'll face when micro-optimizing an Android app is that your app is certain to be running on multiple types of hardware. Different versions of the VM running on different processors running at different speeds. It's not even generally the case that you can simply say "device X is a factor F faster/slower than device Y", and scale your results from one device to others. In particular, measurement on the emulator tells you very little about performance on any device. There are also huge differences between devices with and without a JIT: the best code for a device with a JIT is not always the best code for a device without.
To ensure your app performs well across a wide variety of devices, ensure your code is efficient at all levels and aggressively optimize your performance.
Together with you, we will learn:
📋 Part 1: How to profile
📌 Diagnosing the problem
📌 Logger - best profiling tool
📌 CPU profiling
📌 Memory
📌 Network profiling
📌 Battery profiler
📌 APK analyzer
📌 Kotlin bytecode
📌 Other
📋 Part 2: Best practices
📌 UI
📌 Images
📌 APK Size
📌 Network optimizations
📌 Memory
📌 Data serialization formats
📌 Annotation Processor
📌 Battery optimizations
📌Code optimizations
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