Road to Google Developers Certification is a set of community-run events for developers who want to increase their knowledge about Google Cloud or prepare for a certification. Learn together in a community to get support from experts and other fellow developers. Collaborate and network with like minded people. You don't have to take this journey alone!
22 RSVP'd
Certification Study Groups are weekly events over 6 weeks designed for people who want to prepare for a Google Cloud certification. Join this Study Group to learn more and prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification.
The Certification Study Group offers:
- 6 live sessions to go through certification content and exam questions.
- The online community is where you can ask questions and share your knowledge.
- Video courses and hands-on training on Cloud Skills Boost, Google Cloud training platform.
If you want to learn more about other Google Cloud training opportunities offered by Google Developer Groups, please visit this page:
April 22 – May 27, 2023
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (UTC)
Tech Over Africa Network
Co-Organizer/WTM Ambassador
Global Auto Systems | Photokabada
Technical Lead
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