Tensorflow workshop at HackACM'19 Hackathon! GCDC Islamabad is organizing a hands-on tensorflow workshop for hackathon participants. NUST ACM Student Chapter is bringing an overnight Hackathon to Islamabad with HackACM'19! Participants will get a chance to break the regular monotony of work life and demonstrate their talent for problem-solving and creativity in meeting any of our Sustainable De
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Tensorflow workshop at HackACM'19 Hackathon!
GCDC Islamabad is organizing a hands-on tensorflow workshop for hackathon participants.
NUST ACM Student Chapter is bringing an overnight Hackathon to Islamabad with HackACM'19! Participants will get a chance to break the regular monotony of work life and demonstrate their talent for problem-solving and creativity in meeting any of our Sustainable Development Goals.
Register Here: http://acmnust.com/hack.html
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