Next @ DevFest is a track you can embed in your DevFest to help developers Build on Google Cloud with new labs and coding challenges using Cloud Skills Boost called “GoogleClout Challenge” & “Google Cloud Fly Cup Challenge” Learn from technical sessions curated by Google experts at Next.
22 RSVP'd
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) ***
*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
Google Cloud Next 已經在10月11~13號舉行。GDG Cloud Hong Kong 連同Google Cloud team 舉辦一埸特別的 Next@DevFest 實體活動。活動內除了回顧Next的內容,更會同大家一齊做#GoogleClout Challenge.
7:00 - 7:15 Opening / Group Photo
7:15 - 7:30 Next Recap by Herman Mak - Google cloud team
7:30 - 8:15 #GoogleClout Challenge.
8:15 - 8:30 Next update for Developer
8:30 - 9:00 Networking
禮物, 答對問題就有!
活動實體舉行。實體活動會在Google辦公室,並且名額有很。參加實體活動請注意: 1) Google office &政府防疫要求記得準備好安心出行App及疫苗通行證,2) 活動其間必須戴口罩。3) 請攜帶充滿電的筆記本電腦、耳塞或耳機參加#GoogleClout Challenge.,如有須要請帶備火牛。如果已報名實體活動又不能出席, 請取消門要讓給其他參加者。
• GDG Cloud Hong Kong 是純社群活動 are independent developer community groups and are not related to Google, the company.
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
場地贊助|Venue Support:
Google Hong Kong
#GDGCloudHK #clouddevfest #GDGCloudHongKong #GoogleDevelopers #GoogleCloudNext
Friday, November 11, 2022
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)
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