GDG Cloud Hong Kong

780 Group Members

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GDG Cloud Hong Kong is the Hong Kong chapter of the global Google Developer Groups focusing on the awesome capability of Google Cloud. This group is a community group for all technologists with an interest in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and its awesome capabilities. We'll be exploring areas including (but not limited to) Machine Learning, BiqQuery, Serverless Computing, App Engine and Containers.

As a community group that is completely run by volunteers, we're always looking for volunteer help and the community suggestions and contributions in the terms of speakers, sponsorship and venues.

GDG stands for Google Developers Groups and is a platform offered by Google Developers to support community-run developer groups.

Important: GDG is a community and we welcome members from all backgrounds, ages, genders, and so forth, what matters is that you have an interest in tech and an interest in our community.

Find us in more place:

Facebook page :

Telegram Group: 

GDG Cloud Hong kong

GDG Cloud HK English Talk

Google Cloud Hong Kong Site

Linked in Group

Disclaimer: GDG Cloud Hong Kong is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about the GDG program, visit

Upcoming events


Speaker Session / Tech Talk

Google I/O Extended Cloud Hong Kong 2024

Join us for an exciting session as part of the Google I/O Extended, where we delve into the cutting-edge realm of AI technology and Angular Update

Past events

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Leonardo Lee

GDG Cloud Hong Kong Main Organizer Innoconcept

Martin Chan

GDG Cloud Hong Kong Organizer Nexify Limited

Alex Sze

Organizer Mox Bank

Amanda Lam

Ambassador Women Techmakers Hong Kong

Rick Poon


Jacky Chan

CTO Votee Limited


Chapter Video

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