17 RSVP'd
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) ***
*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
喺大家用緊Open Source Platform ( 如Kubernetes) 的時候,千祈唔好忽視網絡安全的重要性呀! 我們今次邀請兩位來至SUSE 嘅嘉賓,會同我地分享點樣更好地保護和管理 Kubernetes 環境,學習最佳實踐方案,有效做好Container Security。
Language: Cantonese(廣東話), with English materials
<Drinks & Light Refreshments are served>
6:45-7.00pm Registration
7:00-7.15pm Welcoming and Intro - 15 mins
7:15-7.45pm Talk 1 - Best Practices in Securing Kubernetes / Derek So
7:45-7.55pm Q&A + Mini Game 1
7:55-8.25pm Talk 2 - Full Lifecycle Container Security Case Demo / Aki Liu
8:25-8.35pm Q&A + Mini Game 2
8:35-8.45pm Group Photo
8:45-9.00pm Networking
GDG Cloud Hong Kong 是純社群活動 are independent developer community groups and are not related to Google, the company.
• 活動可能會錄影/拍照作教學及記錄用途
#GDGCloudHK #Suse
Venue: Edvance Technology (Hong Kong) Limited - 25/F, Tower 1, The Millennity, 98 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong <Opposite to McDonald>
(Please go to 10/F Concierge Counter for registration with your HKID or any Identity Card with your Photo)
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
Suse Hong Kong
場地贊助|Venue Support:
Edvance Technology (Hong Kong) Limited
Friday, August 11, 2023
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)
SUSE Asia Pacific
Principal Technologist, Cloud Native
SUSE Hong Kong
Solution Architect
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Main Organizer
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Organizer
Mox Bank
Votee Limited
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) - Lee Wai Lee
GDGC Co-lead
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