159 RSVP'd
今年GDG Cloud Hong Kong DevFest 與香港生產力促進局合辨,日期在11月28號,大家可線上或線下參與。
線上活動,大家可透過活動主網頁 https://gdg.community.dev/e/mryxzf/ 報名及連結觀看。
線下的實體活動報名網頁 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gdg-cloud-hong-kong-devfest-2021-tickets-211051961097
各位到現場參加GDG Cloud Hong Kong DevFest 2021 的朋友仔都有歡迎禮物包。
- GCP Backpack
- GCP Computer bag
- GCP Travelling bag
- Cloud Study Jam Backpack
- TensorFlow 運動水瓶
- Android mug
- TensorFlow Mug
GDG Cloud Hong Kong DevFest 2021 有以下機構共同協辦
Swag Sponsor:
- Google Cloud Team Hong Kong
Equipment Sponsors:
- Samsung (Notebook and notepad)
- Logitech (Camera and Microphone)
Sunday, November 28, 2021
2:00 AM – 11:00 AM (UTC)
2:00 AM | Opening |
2:10 AM | Keynote - Google Cloud, the Transformation Cloud |
3:10 AM | Why Certify? Everything to know about Google Cloud Certifications |
3:40 AM | Future Skills of Google Cloud Certifications |
6:00 AM | Secure coding practice - The changes in OWASP Top 10 (2021) |
6:30 AM | Google Cloud Project in Education + DSC-IVE Lead Sharing |
7:10 AM | Precautions I wish to know before I have used GCP :') |
7:50 AM | 教你用 Firebase 工具去寫chat room |
8:30 AM | Women talk - Women at IT workplace |
9:00 AM | Community Chat |
9:45 AM | mini game with rewards |
Google Cloud
Head of Customer Solutions Hong Kong
Google Cloud
Customer Engineer
Google Cloud
Head of Security Greater China, Google Cloud
Google Cloud
Customer Training Lead for North Asia
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Manager, Digital Enablement
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Security Consultant, Digital Transformation
Green Tomato Limited
Solution Architect
Red So
Senior Software Engineer
Growth Hacker
Deloitte, IVE(LWL) - Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration
Cloud Consultant Intern, DSC-IVE Lead
IVE(LWL) - Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration
Student, DSC-IVE Core
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
GDG Cloud HK Organizer
GDG Cloud HK Organizer
President, Open Source Hong Kong
Women Techmakers Hong Kong
Department of Information Technology (IT) of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee)
Programme Leader
Oursky Limited