Flutter: Learn from Experts is a campaign for Flutter Meetup organizers to host the speakers who are experts and Flutteristas.
34 RSVP'd
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) ***
*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
Flutter: Learn from Experts is a campaign for Flutter Meetup organizers to host the speakers who are experts and Flutteristas. No prior experience with Flutter is required! This beginner-friendly event will guide you through everything you need to know to build your very first Flutter app. You'll learn the fundamental concepts of Flutter, explore essential tools and libraries, and put your knowledge into practice with hands-on coding sessions.
Content level: Beginner
SWAG: 由Flutter Hong Kong 讚助
• GDG Cloud Hong Kong 跟 Flutter Hong Kong 是純社群活動 are independent developer community groups and are not related to Google, the company.
Venue Sponsor: Antelope International Limited
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
Flutter Hong Kong
#FlutterLearnfromExperts #GDGCloudHK #FlutterHK
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)
Sleekflow Technologies Limited
Head of mobile application
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Main Organizer
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Organizer
Mox Bank
Votee Limited
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) - Lee Wai Lee
GDGC Co-lead
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