Flutter: Learn from Experts is a campaign for Flutter Meetup organizers to host the speakers who are experts and Flutteristas.
13 RSVP'd
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) ***
*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
Flutter: Learn from Experts is a campaign for Flutter Meetup organizers to host the speakers who are experts and Flutteristas.
Content level: Beginner
SWAG: 由Flutter Hong Kong 讚助
• GDG Cloud Hong Kong 跟 Flutter Hong Kong 是純社群活動 are independent developer community groups and are not related to Google, the company.
• 活動可能會錄影用作教學用途
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
Flutter Hong Kong
#FlutterLearnfromExperts #GDGCloudHK #FlutterHK
Friday, November 17, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM UTC
Flutter Hong Kong
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
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