Flutter Festivals 是一個社區主導的系列活動,開發者可以加入其中學習 Google 技術的基礎知識。 - 包含 Flutter、Firebase 和 Google Cloud 內容。 Codelab 更會獲得 Flutter開發經驗。 Flutter Festivals is a community led event series where developers can join to learn the fundamentals of Google technologies. - featuring Flutter, Firebase and Google Cloud content.
18 RSVP'd
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) ***
*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
GDG Cloud Hong Kong 聯同 Flutter Hong Kong 舉辦 Flutter Festivals Hong Kong!
歡迎各位參加Flutter活動! 讓大家一同探索最新Flutter 技術。Flutter Festivals 是一個社區主導的系列活動,開發者可以加入其中學習 Google 技術的基礎知識。 - 包含 Flutter、Firebase 和 Google Cloud 內容。 Codelab 更會獲得 Flutter開發經驗。
Flutter Festivals HongKong 內容:
Day 5, 25 Feb, Firebase codelab. Speaker: Edwin Kwok
Content level: Beginner
Language: Cantonese(廣東話), with English slides
• GDG Cloud Hong Kong 跟 Flutter Hong Kong 是純社群活動 are independent developer community groups and are not related to Google, the company.
• 活動會錄影作教學用途
#GDGCloudHK #FlutterHK #Flutter #FlutterFestival
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
Flutter Hong Kong
Red So
Senior Software Engineer
GDG Cloud Hong Kong
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