*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) *** *** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 *** Register Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/firebase-study-jam-2020-onair-part-2-codelab-tickets-102467061740 Firebase Study Jam Part 2: 如何開始做Code lab 今次活動主要是如何完成Codelab : Get to know Firebase for Web Join a community of like-minded developers and explore the latest Firebase for Web technologies as a team. Want to
2 RSVP'd
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK) ***
*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
Register Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/firebase-study-jam-2020-onair-part-2-codelab-tickets-102467061740
Firebase Study Jam Part 2: 如何開始做Code lab
今次活動主要是如何完成Codelab : Get to know Firebase for Web
Join a community of like-minded developers and explore the latest Firebase for Web technologies as a team.
Want to get started building web apps? Learn how to do that with Firebase!
Join us for our Firebase Study Jam! Together we'll work through Firebase for web codelabs prepared by Google instructors. You will be able to get hands-on experience with Firebase…..
Content level: Beginner
Language: Cantonese(廣東話), with English slides
Guest Speaker: Ming Choi - Software Analyst, develop full stack solution with Flutter and Golang.
• GDG 是純社群活動 / GDG is an independent developer community group and is not related to Google, the company.
• 活動會錄影作教學用途
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