16 RSVP'd
Cloud3Talk是關於所有雲技術的自由討論活動。 每次將今享一種技術,然後對是自由討論。 今次的主題是AppSheet。點解是0 code program? 如果增加主產力? 我們都會介紹。如果你們都有經驗想分享,可在活動內交流。
Cloud3 Talk is a casual talk about all cloud technology. Each time will share one technology then open to public. This time topic is AppSheet. Why it is a 0 code program? How to to use Appsheet to increase productivity? Let we share to you. Welcome to joint, share and talk.
#GDGCloudIHK #GDGCloudHongKong #cloud3talk #GoogleDevelopers #GoogleHongKong #GCPHK #Appsheet
Code of Conduct:
Considering Devfest 2020 will be conducted virtually, we expect the participants to maintain a code of conduct during this virtual meetup. We value the participation of each member of the GDG community and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout the online event. Use of slandered speech and any other misbehavior will result in removal of the participant from the event.
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Main Organizer
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Organizer
Mox Bank
Votee Limited
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) - Lee Wai Lee
GDGC Co-lead
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