26 RSVP'd
完成在 Google Cloud 任務中部署到 Kubernetes 來獲得技能徽章,您將在其中了解 Google Kubernetes Engine 和多種部署方法,包括如何:配置和構建映像以運行和調試 Docker 容器、構建 Kubernetes Engine 集群以及管理它們 使用 kubectl,使用部署和持續交付技術部署 Kubernetes 應用程序。
技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 頒發的專屬數字徽章,旨在表彰您對 Google Cloud 產品和服務的熟練程度,並測試您在交互式動手環境中應用知識的能力。 完成此技能徽章任務和最終評估挑戰實驗室,即可獲得可與您的網絡共享的技能徽章。
Earn a skill badge by completing the Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud quest, where you will learn about Google Kubernetes Engine and multiple deployment approaches including how to: configure and build images to run and debug Docker containers, build Kubernetes Engine clusters, and manage them with kubectl, deploy Kubernetes applications using deployments and continuous delivery techniques.
A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.
QWIKLABS QUESTS https://google.qwiklabs.com/quests/116
台灣及香港地區的 Cloud Study Jam活動官網: https://events.withgoogle.com/cloud-study-jam-2021-twhk/
*提醒*: 報名之後會寄給您啟用免費訂閱的連結,目前連結的有效時間是 2021 年 6 月 1 日中午12 點(台灣及香港時間) 至 30 日止
#GDGCloudIHK #GDGCloudHongKong #GoogleDevelopers #CloudStudyJam #GoogleCloud
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Red Soldier Limited
Software Engineer
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Main Organizer
GDG Cloud Hong Kong Organizer
Mox Bank
Votee Limited
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) - Lee Wai Lee
GDGC Co-lead
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