Ramatech: Introduction to Graphic Design

GDG Beja

"Introduction to Graphic Design" is a concise workshop aimed at those new to the field, focusing on the essentials: composition, color theory, typography, and branding. Participants will learn to use design tools and software, engaging in projects that teach how to effectively communicate visually. Ideal for beginners seeking to explore graphic design or enhance their creative skills, this session

Mar 25, 9:00 – 10:00 PM

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

"Introduction to Graphic Design" is a concise workshop aimed at those new to the field, focusing on the essentials: composition, color theory, typography, and branding. Participants will learn to use design tools and software, engaging in projects that teach how to effectively communicate visually. Ideal for beginners seeking to explore graphic design or enhance their creative skills, this session


  • Achraf Maarfi

    GDG Beja



  • Mezzi Houssem



  • bilel saidi

    GDG organizer

  • Yasmina Rebai

    GDG Organizer

  • Aouatef Riahi


    GDG Organizer

  • Houssem Mezzi


    GDG Organizer

  • Achref Maarfi


    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Molk Saouabi


    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Chaima Ben Arbia

    ISLAIB Beja

    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Abderrahmen Jbeli

    ISET Beja

    GDG Beja Organizer

  • khedhri othmen

    GDG Organizer

  • Hamdi Belhaj

    GDG Beja Member

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