GDG Beja

121 Group Members

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Past Events





Disclaimer: GDG Beja is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about the GDG program, visit

Upcoming events

25 ago 2024

Speaker Session / Tech Talk

Google I/O Extended 2024

🔥 Prepare to ignite your passion for technology at Google IO Extended! 🌟 Get ready for an exhilarating journey as we dive into the cutting edge of innovation. 🚀 💡 With thought-provoking discussions and hands-on workshops, this epic tech event will fuel your inspiration and energize you! ⚡️ 🎉 This year, the excitement is even more intense as GDG Beja and Women Techmakers unite to celebrate.

Past events

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bilel saidi

GDG organizer

Yasmina Rebai

GDG Organizer

Aouatef Riahi

GDG Organizer instadeep

Houssem Mezzi

GDG Organizer FOCUS

Achref Maarfi

GDG Beja Organizer ESPRIT

Molk Saouabi

GDG Beja Organizer Wecraft

Chaima Ben Arbia

GDG Beja Organizer ISLAIB Beja

Abderrahmen Jbeli

GDG Beja Organizer ISET Beja

khedhri othmen

GDG Organizer

Hamdi Belhaj

GDG Beja Member


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