Cloud Study Jams

GDG Beja

You will: Create a virtual machine with the GCP Console Create a virtual machine with gcloud command line Deploy a web server and connect it to a virtual machine Practice using gcloud commands. Connect to storage services hosted on the Google Cloud Platform. learn how to launch and configure a Marketplace service on the Google Cloud Platform.

Feb 26, 2022, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Cloud Study Jam

About this event

You will:

Create a virtual machine with the GCP Console

Create a virtual machine with gcloud command line

Deploy a web server and connect it to a virtual machine

Practice using gcloud commands.

Connect to storage services hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.

learn how to launch and configure a Marketplace service on the Google Cloud Platform.

Get access to Qwiklabs, a Google training tool, free of charge (a $70+ value).

Get Google-hosted badges like this for your online profile, to show potential employers what you know about Cloud computing.


  • bilel saidi


    GDG organizer

  • Yasmina Rebai

    GDG Organizer

  • Aouatef Riahi


    GDG Organizer

  • Houssem Mezzi


    GDG Organizer

  • Achref Maarfi


    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Molk Saouabi


    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Chaima Ben Arbia

    ISLAIB Beja

    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Abderrahmen Jbeli

    ISET Beja

    GDG Beja Organizer

  • khedhri othmen

    GDG Organizer

  • Hamdi Belhaj

    GDG Beja Member

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