Africa Code Week Beja: University Girls

GDG Beja

MentorNations, GDGBeja and Dynamic Network Club are excited to welcome University Girls living in Beja to participate in #eSkills4Girls Event and to develop their knowledge in Technology. The #eSkills4Girls initiative aims at tackling the existing gender digital divide in particular in low income and developing countries. The goal is to globally increase the access of women and girls in the digi

Oct 19, 2018, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

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Key Themes

About this event

MentorNations, GDGBeja and Dynamic Network Club are excited to welcome University Girls living in Beja to participate in #eSkills4Girls Event and to develop their knowledge in Technology.
The #eSkills4Girls initiative aims at tackling the existing gender digital divide in particular in low income and developing countries. The goal is to globally increase the access of women and girls in the digital world and to boost relevant education and employment opportunities.
For more informations about the initiative:


  • bilel saidi


    GDG organizer

  • Yasmina Rebai

    GDG Organizer

  • Aouatef Riahi


    GDG Organizer

  • Houssem Mezzi


    GDG Organizer

  • Achref Maarfi


    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Molk Saouabi


    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Chaima Ben Arbia

    ISLAIB Beja

    GDG Beja Organizer

  • Abderrahmen Jbeli

    ISET Beja

    GDG Beja Organizer

  • khedhri othmen

    GDG Organizer

  • Hamdi Belhaj

    GDG Beja Member

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