Programming microcontrollers (arduino, esp8266, esp32) hardware and software and an overview of the rest of the microcontrollers . A simple explanation of electronic circuits . How the project works and a brief about the patent
Programming microcontrollers (arduino, esp8266, esp32) hardware and software and an overview of the rest of the microcontrollers 2. A simple explanation of electronic circuits 3. How the project works and a brief about the patent 4. How to choose the most appropriate and cheapest pieces for the project + a method of hiring them 5. Programming mobile applications and websites to control or read sensors values for micro control The course will be two days each week. It will take the student from beginner to upper intermediate. It will contain many important and basic principles for the student.
May 29 – June 26, 2023
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM (UTC)
University of Technology in Baghdad
arduino IDE , esp32 , esp8266 , arduino
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