اليوم الاول بالمنحة الدولية DNA Scholarship الخاص بدولة تركيا
حيث تم خلال المحاضرة
التعريف على المدربين والفريق الخاص بكل دولة
والتعرف على المشاركين وعمل ice break بينهم . بعدها بدأ المشاركين بالتعلم على UI & UX وكذلك اخذ اساسيات البرمجة بلغة Dart
( variables - IF Conditions- Loop - Switch- Functions - Classes )
The first day of the global DNA scholarship for Turkey
Where it was done during the lecture
Introducing trainers and country-specific team
And get to know the participants and make ice break between the participants. Then the participants started learning on UI & UX as well as taking the basics of programming in Dart
( variables - IF Conditions- Loop - Switch- Functions - Classes )
Türkiye Uluslararası DNA SCHOLARSHİP Bursu birinci gün..
İlk dersimiz komite üyeleri tarafından (Team) öğrenciler ile tanıştırdılar ice break esnasında oyun gibi güzel bir şekilde tanıştık ardından eğitim başladı (UI & UX ).
Language programming Dart
(variables -IF Conditions- Loop - Switch- Functions - Classes)
Ders işlendi.
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