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A great opportunity to advance your business and be international, even in competition time everyone will learn during the competition and create a community of successful coders and Take advantage of the special capabilities of each participant in the team, and activate and develop them with 12 speakers and trainers in the field of programming and entrepreneurship Each participant in this scholarship will have the ability to overcome any problem in writing programming languages Thus, each person will do their own project during the grant And because the type of grant is effective work, which can give everyone his entitlement from participation with community entrepreneurship and design thinking that will be among the fundamentals of the grant, each individual will have his own integrated project upon the end of the grant. And achieving one of the goals is to create a new community of software projects that will help solve problems and develop the community After this unique experience, the person with the highest ratings will have three rewards: The winner will be simulated with distinguished Emirati programmers and trainers on YouTube Second reward is Working with the founding team of the international scholarship Third reward is thousand five hundred dollars.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
7:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)
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