GDG DevFests are large, community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, CodeSprint, App Demo and more. **The event will welcome 800+ developers, 10+ awesome Speakers, Google Developer Experts, Tech Experts and more.** This Event will also welcome_ **GDG Ado-Ekiti, GDG Akure, GDG Eksu, GDG Benin**_
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GDG DevFests are large, community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, CodeSprint, App Demo and more.
The event will welcome 800+ developers, 10+ awesome Speakers, Google Developer Experts, Tech Experts and more.
This Event will also welcome GDG Ado-Ekiti, GDG Akure, GDG Eksu, GDG Benin
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