GDG Vancouver

323 Group Members

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Past Events





Google Developer Group Vancouver is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. 

  • Learn more about the GDG Vancouver community guideline here
  • To learn more about the GDG program, visit here


We are always on the look for speakers for our monthly meetups, google events and other events. if you have something awesome to share with the Vancouver tech community, please Submit your talk here. We will get in touch with you with further details if the topic excites our audience.


As a community-run event, event volunteers are critical to our success! We need volunteers to help us in the in-person event. If you want to volunteer please complete the Volunteer interest form


GDG Vancouver is a volunteer-driven group, dedicated to providing people of all skill levels free and low-cost access to professional networking and the opportunity to learn new technology skills in various formats. We rely on sponsors to defray the costs of our events, such as speaker fees, educational material, catering, equipment rental, and advertising our events to reach more people in our community. Get Sponsorship package here


If your community is willing to be a community partner of the devest conference email us. Please email us at:

Join the online Discord community 

Contact Us

For any further queries or communication, the best way to reach out to the organizers directly via email at

Upcoming events

10 nov 2024

External Ticketing

DevFest Vancouver

A conference for Designers, Developers and anyone enthusiast in a Tech career

Past events

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Procheta Nag

GDG Lead Organizer

Shubhra Sarker

Organizer and Tech lead

Joao Vitor Squillace Teixeira

Brand and Communication


Chapter Video

Contact Us