GDG on Campus Universitas Gunadarma - Depok, Indonesia

2987 Group Members

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Hello Techtivist!

We are student developers with a ton of dreams willing to make positive changes to the local community, especially our university ecosystem using Google Technology. We are a worldwide network of international Google DSC


Upcoming events


Workshop / Study Group

Weekly Class #2 UI/UX : "UI, Branding, and the Evolving Role of Designers in the AI Era”

Participants will explore how user interface (UI) design and branding intersect in the context of rapidly evolving technologies, particularly AI. They'll learn how AI is reshaping design practices, from personalization to automation, and how to adapt their approach to stay relevant.🎯🚀🚀

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Raihan Pramuditama

Chief Executive Officer (Lead)

Iman Kurnia

CEO Office

Dewi Anggreni Sitepu

CEO Office Gunadarma University

Nabila Khyarotunnisa

Chief Marketing Officer

Pricillia Jihaan

Chief Operating Officer

Sabrina Azka Zibrija

VP of Administration and Management

Muhammad Nazhan Azka

VP of Research and Development

Zahra Adinda Yaskur

VP of Project Management Gunadarma University

Nadira Atshifa

VP of Academics

Azra Hudaya

VP of Creative Design

2EA06_Lelyta Ayu Andini

VP of Community Management

GDG on Campus Gunadarma University

Community Management

Faizal Maulana

Associate Web Development

Chapter Video

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