GDG on Campus Universitas Dian Nuswantoro - Semarang, Indonesia

871 Group Members

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Past Events





Google Developer Group on Campus at Dian Nuswantoro University, situated on Imam Bonjol Street in the Pendirikan Kidul area of Semarang, is a dynamic and forward-thinking community dedicated to nurturing the growth of aspiring developers and tech enthusiasts. Our group provides a platform for students and professionals alike to enhance their knowledge, develop cutting-edge skills, and engage with the latest advancements in technology. By joining this vibrant community, you will have the unique opportunity to work alongside like-minded individuals who share a passion for innovation and progress. Together, we aim to empower our members to shape their futures through meaningful contributions to the tech world, while also creating a lasting positive impact on the society around us. Whether you’re looking to improve your technical abilities, expand your professional network, or make a difference in the world, becoming part of this group will enable you to play a key role in driving change and fostering a better future for everyone. Join us now and be a part of something bigger, where your efforts today will help build a brighter tomorrow.

Upcoming events

There are currently no upcoming events. Please check again soon.

Past events


Ricky Primayuda Putra

Lead Chapter Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Mario Aprilnino Prasetyo

Head of Academy

Fahmi Bahtiar Adi Nugroho

Head of Event Organizer Dian Nuswantoro University

Dhia Riboz

Head of Public Relation

Muhammad Al Ghorizmi Muttaqin

Head of Creative Media

Naufal Zhafif Pradipta

Academy (Web & Cloud)

Calvin Samuel Simbolon

Academy (UI & UX) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Taliya Meyswara

Academy (Machine Learning) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Azriel Pamungkas

Academy (Web 3)

Chalida Abdat

Public Relation

Syakira Octa Fitria

Public Relation

Nabil NK -

Event Organizer

Haidar Wibowo

Creative Media


Creative Media

Aurel Putri Widyanti

Creative Media

Chapter Video

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