GDG on Campus UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - Malang, Indonesia

706 Group Members

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The Google Developers Group on Campus (GDGOC) at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang is a community-driven initiative aimed at fostering a love for technology and innovation among students. As a community, we’re driven by a passion for empowering students in the field of tech, encouraging collaboration, sharing knowledge, and building a supportive network. Our enthusiasm for establishing GDGOC stems from a vision of creating an inclusive space where every member, especially those from the Informatics department, can grow their technical skills and embrace the evolving landscape of digital technology.

Our mission is to provide accessible learning resources, workshops, and hands-on experiences that allow students to hone their skills across various domains, such as web and mobile development, cloud computing, AI, and more. We strive to empower students not only to succeed in their academic endeavors but also to prepare them for the competitive demands of the tech industry. GDGOC is dedicated to nurturing a creative and entrepreneurial spirit that can drive impactful changes. By connecting with others who share similar interests, we hope to cultivate a culture of continuous growth, intellectual curiosity, and a collaborative mindset that inspires everyone to achieve their fullest potential in tech.

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Past events


Speaker Session / Tech Talk

GDG on Campus UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - Malang, Indonesia


Workshop / Study Group

GDG on Campus UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - Malang, Indonesia


Workshop / Study Group

GDG on Campus UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - Malang, Indonesia

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Furqon Rachmadie

Organizer Tenang AI

Ramadhani Pasuleri

Core of Event & Program Organizer

Wafiy Anwarul Hikam

Core of Creative Media UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Diah Ayu Rahma

Core of Partnership & Affiliation

Laily Sabrina Hapsari

Core of General Officer

Fajar Triatmojo

Core of Developer & Speaker

Nanda bintang

Associate Core General Officer

sania nabila salsabila

Associate Core General Officer UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Reza Kurnia

Associate Core General Officer UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Miftahul Arifin

Associate Core Partnership

Michael Achmad Mushoharoin

Associate Core Developer & Speaker

M. Faiq Rafii Wahyudi

Associate Core Event & Program Organizer

Sheila Apriliani Putri

Associate Core Event & Program Organizer UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Zulfa Ulinnuha

Associate Core Creative Media

Adi Novendra Putra

Associate Core Developer & Speaker

Adam Fatin

Associate Core Creative Media

Muhammad Abyan Makarim

Associate Core Creative Media

Aisyah Dwi Permatasari

Associate Core Parnership

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