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Welcome to GDG on Campus SCHU!
At GDG on Campus SCHU, in partnership with Google Developers, we are dedicated to building a community focused on communication and growth. Our mission is to bring students together, foster teamwork, and help them develop the skills needed to succeed in the tech industry.
What We’re All About:
Talk, Share, Grow: We believe communication is key! Join our lively workshops and seminars to stay up-to-date on the latest tech trends and tools.
Hands-On, Minds-On: Get your hands dirty with real projects that build real skills. Grow your portfolio and your brainpower!
Your Network = Your Net Worth: Meet and connect with industry experts, Google developers, and awesome peers. Friends today, collaborators tomorrow!
Tech for a Better Tomorrow: Use your tech powers for good! Join us in making the world a better place, one line of code at a time.
Contact us: gdg.schu@gmail.com
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