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Welcome to Google Developer Groups APU, previously known as Google Developers Student Club APU. GDG APU is run by the APU Student Developer Society. APU Student Developer Society was founded in 2015. Since then, we have been running. The Google Developers Groups are community groups for college and university students who have a keen interest in Google developer technologies and innovation that matters. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs interested in growing as a developer are welcome to join our society and get hands-on with the innovative workshops we host regularly! By joining a GDG, students can grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their communities.
Workshop / Study Group
Code For Climate: Build a Carbon Emission App in Flutter
🌍 Code for Climate: Build a Carbon Emission App in FlutterJoin Google Developer Groups (GDG) Asia Pacific University Cha...
Workshop / Study Group
GDG on Campus Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Info session
GDG on Campus Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
External Ticketing
GDG on Campus Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Workshop / Study Group
GDG on Campus Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Samantha Ker Xin Tee
AI Department Co-Lead Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) University in Kuala Lumpur
Puteri Hannah Daud
AI Department Trainee Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation
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