GDG Leicester

106 Group Members

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GDG Leicester is a community of not just techies in Leicester but Midlands. We are the only GDG community serving the whole of the UK midlands. We are a community for builders who are interested in solving problems and sharing experience about Google technologies and products.


We host events, conferences, hackathons and workshops to mention a few in Leicester City, with the aim of spreading knowledge about emerging technologies & solving problems.

Most of our events are free and often hosted at the Phoenix Yard, around the city centre.


Writers, Designers, Product Managers, Tech Newbies, Tech Enthusiasts, Developers, Experts, Start-up & Business Owners etc. When you join GDG Leicester, you'll have the opportunity to learn new skills and meet developers with similar interests in technology. We are big on inclusion, so we collaborate with Women Techmakers a program created by Google to provide visibility and resources for women in technology. 

Care to join us? You're more than welcome to! Take some moment to read about our Community Guidelines And Anti-Harassment Policy

Disclaimer: GDG Leicester is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation.

To learn more about the GDG program, visit 

Upcoming events

27 jul 2024

Workshop / Study Group

Certification Study Group - Associate Cloud Engineer

Road to Google Developers Certification 2024 Certification Study Groups are weekly events over 6 weeks designed for people who want to prepare for a Google Cloud certification. Everyone is welcome to join this Study Group to learn more and prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification.

Past events

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Samuel Adekanmbi

GDG Organizer Leicester College


Chapter Video

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