GDG Cloud Port Harcourt

1520 Group Members

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Local community-ran meetup for developers interested in resources and technology from Google Cloud Platform. We are all about Cloud Computing, Continuous Delivery, Machine Learning, DevOps and more.

Disclaimer: GDG Cloud Port Harcourt is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about the GDG program, visit

Upcoming events

3 ago 2024

Speaker Session / Tech Talk

Enhancing Developer Efficiency Through Automated Platform Engineering and IDPs

In the fast-paced software development arena, teams are pressured to deliver high-quality apps quickly, often bogged down by repetitive tasks. Platform engineering, using Internal Developer Portals (IDPs), automates infrastructure management and provides pre-configured tools, enhancing workflows. Venkatesh Kunchenapalli's work at Wipro, USA, showcases a 40-50% reduction in manual project setup hou

3 ago 2024

Speaker Session / Tech Talk

Enhancing Contextual Advertising Efficiency with LLMs

Learn about Contextual Ad Generation and Targeting (CAGT), a transformative approach using Large Language Models (LLMs) to unify ad content creation and keyword targeting. By leveraging adaptive prompt engineering and reinforcement learning-based feedback, CAGT enhances ad relevance and impact, resulting in a 35% increase in click-through rates and a 28% rise in conversion rates.

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GDG Organizer

Joy Akhanolu

Media/Publicity MudinaTx

Caleb Ini. D. Duff

GDG Organizer

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