一年一度的 Google I/O 大会即将来临,张家口 GDG 一如既往将举办本地线下 Google I/O Extended 活动。今年是张家口 GDG 第 6次举办 I/O 直播沙龙。 北京时间5月7日(周二)晚22:00 - 5月8日(周三)清晨,直播与美国 I/O 时间同步。 Dear Faculty and Students, You are cordially invited to the Google I/O extended event which is hosted by Google I/O. This livestream event will be held in the C508 Room in the Hebei North University on Tuesday, May 7th at 22:00 pm.
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一年一度的 Google I/O 大会即将来临,张家口 GDG 一如既往将举办本地线下 Google I/O Extended 活动。今年是张家口 GDG 第 6次举办 I/O 直播沙龙。
北京时间5月7日(周二)晚22:00 - 5月8日(周三)清晨,直播与美国 I/O 时间同步。
Dear Faculty and Students,
You are cordially invited to the Google I/O extended event which is hosted by Google I/O.
This livestream event will be held in the C508 Room in
the Hebei North University on Tuesday,
May 7th at 22:00 pm.
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