DevFest is an annual community-led developer tech conference hosted by Google Developer Groups across the globe. This year, GDG Athens, GDG Cyprus, GDG Cloud Thessaloniki, Women Techmakers Greece, Women Techmakers Cyprus, GDC University of Athens & GDC University of Harokopio...join their forces!
1 RSVP'd
💪 GDG DevFest Greece & Cyprus 2021 is back...virtually! This year, on Saturday 6th of November 2021, we bring together the world class experts in Android, Flutter, Kubernetes, Machine Learning, Web and Cloud technologies to a virtual (online) event of sessions, workshops and showcases. #DevFest2021Greece #DevFest2021Cyprus #DevFest2021Hellas
💥 Book your ticket and reserve your seat's FREE.
❗ It's a WEBINAR (online - in English language) - no physical presence is required.
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