Leadership is not a position or a title - it's action and example. 18.30 Doors open (Snacks & Drinks) 19.00 Welcome! (WTM & Deloitte Consulting GmbH) 19.10 Leadership (Tatjana Wiebusch, Deloitte Consulting GmbH) 19.25 "Communicating and leading with confidence. Becoming your best authentic and professional self." (Simone Zander, Coach and Trainer) 19.45 "Working as a project manager in
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Leadership is not a position or a title - it's action and example.
18.30 Doors open (Snacks & Drinks)
19.00 Welcome! (WTM & Deloitte Consulting GmbH)
19.10 Leadership (Tatjana Wiebusch, Deloitte Consulting GmbH)
19.25 "Communicating and leading with confidence.
Becoming your best authentic and professional self." (Simone Zander, Coach and Trainer)
19.45 "Working as a project manager in an agile, tech environment" (Daniela Matheis, Ioki)
20.00 "Emerging leadership awareness – how to lead in a VUCA world" (Adeline Gütschow, Coach)
20.15 "The impressive Empress" (Malathi T. Krishnaswamy, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker)
20.30 Wrap-Up
20.35 Networking & Drinks & Food
GDG Organizer
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