Let's meet with Ruby on Rails

Women Techmakers Hamburg

This is the last Meetup we are doing this year and it will be all about Ruby on Rails. As always we have inspiring speakers for you and enough time for networking! Ruby on Rails is a web framework and it's built using the Ruby programming language. Ruby is designed to be infinitely flexible and empowering for programmers. If it is the right tool for you you have the the chance to discuss this even

Dec 5, 2018, 5:30 – 9:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

This is the last Meetup we are doing this year and it will be all about Ruby on Rails. As always we have inspiring speakers for you and enough time for networking! Ruby on Rails is a web framework and it's built using the Ruby programming language. Ruby is designed to be infinitely flexible and empowering for programmers. If it is the right tool for you you have the the chance to discuss this evening!

We will be meeting at XING's beautiful office with snacks and drinks provided!


18:30 Doors open: Snacks & Drinks

19:00 Welcome from Women Techmakers -Camila Franco

19:10 Introduction to Ruby & Ruby on Rails - Leyla Kapi

19:40 Why I love Ruby - Johannes von Bargen

19:50 Drinks refill - short Break

20:00 Some Inspiration & the Bento Box Principle from Tereza Iofciu

20:15 What's next at moinworld - Camila Franco

20:15 Networking open end


Leyla Kapi

Leyla Kapi is a Ruby on Rails Developer at Deutsches Youth For Understanding Komitee e.V. in Hamburg. Before she came to Germany she organized Rails Girls in Turkey. She has also been a speaker at many events, like those of Women Techmakers Turkey. She did her Bachelor in Computer Engineering and is continuing her Masters in the same field with a focus on Artificial Intelligence. She is looking forward to sharing with you why she likes to build applications with Ruby.

Johannes von Bargen

Johannes is Senior Software Engineer at XING SE in Hamburg.

Dr. Tereza Iofciu

Tereza is a data engineer and in her free time is an artist. She is originally from Bucharest, Romania, where she also studied Computer Science. After her studies she decided to work on her PhD about User Profiling and Entities on the Web in Germany. She worked for Microsoft Research in Cambridge, XING SE and is now building a Data Science Infrastructure for myTaxi.


  • Julia Heidinger

    Social Developers Club


  • Florentine Draeger

    GDG + WTM Organiser

  • Ellen Schwartau


    Senior Software Engineer

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