After Firebase Summit 2018 in Prague, Tina and Rachel will stop by Hamburg and do a hands-on code lab with us! Short intro to our guests: Tina Skublics is a software engineer on the Firebase console backend, which focuses on provisioning and managing resources for Firebase projects. Her work includes integrations such as Crashlytics BigQuery export, as well as support for selecting Cloud resourc
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After Firebase Summit 2018 in Prague, Tina and Rachel will stop by Hamburg and do a hands-on code lab with us!
Short intro to our guests:
Tina Skublics is a software engineer on the Firebase console backend, which focuses on provisioning and managing resources for Firebase projects. Her work includes integrations such as Crashlytics BigQuery export, as well as support for selecting Cloud resource locations.
Rachel Saunders is a technical writer for Firebase, which means she writes developer and reference docs for various Firebase services and tools, like Firebase Hosting and the Firebase CLI.
Agenda for the evening:
18:30 - 18:55 -- Mix-n-mingle and Tina/Rachel intros
19:00 - 19:25 -- Presentation: Intro and overview of Firebase
19:30 - 21:00 -- Codelab: Firebase Web Codelab - Build the FriendlyChat app!
21:00 onwards -- Questions and mix-n-mingle with community
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