We are excited to announce our first data science barcamp! Already announced are Data Scientists from Check24, EOS, Google, Lotto24, XING and also the Data Science Team from SHARE NOW, the sponsor of the evening, will be present. ************************************** As always Sign Up over Meetup does not save you a spot. In order to participate you need to go to our website and register https
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We are excited to announce our first data science barcamp! Already announced are Data Scientists from Check24, EOS, Google, Lotto24, XING and also the Data Science Team from SHARE NOW, the sponsor of the evening, will be present.
As always Sign Up over Meetup does not save you a spot. In order to participate you need to go to our website and register https://moinworld.de/developer-meetups-hamburg/
In the first part of the evening, Avaré Stewart, data scientist at Center of Analytics of the EOS Holding, will talk about how to improve your data science workflow.
In the second part, it is your turn! Participants have the chance to propose a barcamp session based on their interest in the field of data science. Topics might range from questions that you want to ask other data scientists to ideas that you want to share. Sessions offer a platform for interactive and spontaneous exchange and sign up will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
18.30 Doors open
19.00 - 19.40 Talk Avaré and discussion
19.40 - 20.00 Networking and sign up for barcamp sessions
20.00 - 20.40 Barcamp
After 20.40 Networking
We look forward to see you!
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