1 RSVP'd
The main Sonoma GDG event, please RSVP: https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-fresno-presents-gdg-monthly-meetup-7/
This event is a joined event with GDG Sonoma and GDG Fresno, facilitated by Sandra Chance from GDG Sonoma.
Talk: Have you ever needed to make an app quickly, such as for a hackathon or prototype, but not know where to start? In this talk you will learn about Flutter, Google's cross-OS development platform, as well as Firebase, Google's Backend as a Service (BaaS) platform, and how they can be used to quickly take your ideas and turn them into beautiful and functional prototypes.
7:00 PM: Introductions
7:10 PM: Presentation
7:55 PM: Questions
Hosted By
Kevin Moore, GDG Organizer
Sandra Chance, GDG Organizer
Boosted by WTM Fresno, GDG Fresno
RSVP to the GDG Sonoma event: https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-sonoma-presents-we-are-hosting-paul-ruiz/
Developer Programs Engineer
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