DevCon: Ode to International Women's Day

Women Techmakers Fresno

As part of 2023 IWDC event join WTM Capital Region, GDSC Sun Coast, and GDG Sun Coast and more organizations for an IWDC celebration event. #DaretoBe

Apr 7, 2023, 7:00 PM – Apr 8, 2023, 12:00 AM (UTC)

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Key Themes

International Women's DayWebWomen Techmakers

About this event

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What is IWD International Women's Day?

Since 2013, Women Techmakers Ambassadors around the world have hosted thousands of events in celebration of International Women’s Day. Varying from large summits to intimate gatherings, these events provide education, connection and inspiration for local tech communities.

For 2023, the theme of IWD is “Dare To Be.” Ambassadors will host events that empower their community to have the courage and confidence to dream big and take risks. Whether it’s bold, resilient, innovative or more, we invite everyone to think about all the ways you will “Dare To Be” in 2023!


12:00 PM Google Developer Panel

Panel discussion with community managers about the developer community programs that the Google Developers have across North America, and further across the world and the opportunities that each of these communities have to provide to their members

2:30 PM Women in Tech Panel

A roundtable panel discussion about successful women in tech and their journeys which led them to reach where they are today. The ups and downs they faced, what they learned from it, and words of wisdom that they have to share with our members.

3:00 PM Technical Lightning Talks

20-minute presentations on technical topics of the speaker’s choice. These are really amazing to cater to by concentrating the content to be shared in a digestible 20 minute visual presentation.

3:30 PM Workshop #1: Building Progressive Web Applications in Flutter

Deepa is passionate about web technologies and PWA's. She enjoys building frontend applications. She volunteers as an ambassador at Women Techmakers and organizes events at Google Developer Group. She recently became a “Google Developer Expert” in web technologies”. Currently, she works at Adobe!

4:00 PM Workshop #2: Let's talk about Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Mauricio is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI+X), University of South Florida. He received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2004-2007), master's degree in Informatics (2008-2009) and doctor's degree in Computer Science (2010-2013) from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). While completing the doctorate, he was a research fellow at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) from July 2012 to December 2012 and a visiting research scholar at the University of South Florida (USF) during the 2012-2013 year. His areas of expertise are computer vision and pattern recognition. His research interests include biometrics (3D faces, 2D faces, dermatoglyphic patterns, continuous authentication), 3D reconstruction (biometric applications and cultural heritage preservation), accessibility tools (computer vision-based systems), medical images (automatic diagnosis) and vision-based automation. Other computer science-related interests include programming contests and robocode


  • Deepa Subramanian

    Google Developer Expert for Web, Project Fugu and PWA

  • Kübra Zengin


    North America Regional Lead

  • Purnima Kochikar

    Google Play Apps

    Vice President

  • Liza Goldberg

    Google Earth Engine

    Developer Expert

  • Jagruti Rana

    Command, Control, Communications and Computers Enterprise Services (C4ES)

    Enterprise Software Engineering Chief

  • Kaitlyn Evans

    Northrop Grumman

    Software Integration Engineer

  • Dayane Reis

    University of South Florida

    Assistant Professor

  • Gauri Gupta

    MIT Media Lab

    Research Assistant

  • Shreya Sharma

    Carnegie Mellon University

    Robotics Engineer

  • Christi Kapp

    Google Developer Group Orlando


  • Mauricio Pampluno Segundas

    University of South Florida

    Visiting Assistant Professor

  • Krish Veera

    Google Developer Student Club USF


  • Dhwani Trivedi

    Women Techmakers

    Ambassador Northeastern

  • Carol Bolger

  • Mykyta Nechaiev


    Events Coordinator

  • Nidhi Pai

    Women Techmakers

    Ambassador Northeastern

  • Piyush Manjhi



  • Felicia Drysdale



  • Ali Aslanbayli



  • Nischal Olety Nagesh

    Google Developer Student Club USF



  • Krish Veera

    Google Developer Student Club USF


  • Dhwani Trivedi

    Women Techmakers

    Ambassador Northeastern

  • Carol Bolger

  • Nidhi Pai

    Women Techmakers

    Ambassador Northeastern