Panel: Fighting Fraud in Online Payments

Women Techmakers Berlin

What is fraud in online payments like nowadays? how can it be detected? and what are the means the companies are taking to keep us safe when shopping online? Join us for a panel about fighting fraud in online payments to learn how are you being kept online! 📅 AGENDA 📅 • 18:45 – 19:15 – Networking over Drinks and Snacks • 19:15 – 19:30 – Welcome Words by the WTM Team and Fraugster • 19:30 –

May 16, 2019, 4:45 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

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CloudMachine LearningWeb

About this event

What is fraud in online payments like nowadays? how can it be detected? and what are the means the companies are taking to keep us safe when shopping online?

Join us for a panel about fighting fraud in online payments to learn how are you being kept online!


• 18:45 – 19:15 – Networking over Drinks and Snacks
• 19:15 – 19:30 – Welcome Words by the WTM Team and Fraugster
• 19:30 – 21:00 – Panel about Fighting Fraud in Online Payments
• 21:00 – 21:30 – Networking


⭐ Edie Ismene Nicolaou, Fraud Analyst at Fraugster

With a background in psychology and neuroscience, Edie’s work as an analyst is driven by her interest in modeling human thought processes. During her master’s studies she completed research using big data to study the cognitive process of learning. At Fraugster, she has enjoyed working on projects that combine both traditional analytics and data science methods for understanding the stories behind online fraud.
She considers herself a multidisciplinary thinker and deeply cares about using technology for a good purpose.

⭐ Janine Gleichmann, Head of Consumer Risk at RatePAY

Janine is Head of Consumer Risk at RatePAY and has worked in Risk Management in the company since 2016. She is responsible for customer risk assessment and fraud prevention. She is a qualified bank clerk and has a bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration and Business Psychology. Having previously worked at Zalando Payments GmbH, she has more than eight years’ experience in fraud prevention.

⭐ Michal Maman, Senior Team Leader Risk Ops at PayPal

⭐ Sophia von Stockert, Fraud Analyst at Fraugster

Sophia studied Psychology and Neuroscience at Maastricht University and at the University of Amsterdam. During her first stats classes she became fascinated with data analysis and statistical methods which led her to pursue a research trajectory during her Master's. When Fraugster recruited for analysts who had a deep understanding of social science/psychology on the one hand and datascience/stats on the other, she joined their Risk Team. As an analyst, she deep dives into data structures to identify and understand fraudulent behavior and build tools to prevent fraud from happening. She's also worked as a tutor and mentor for many years.

Moderator: Natalie Pistunovich (@NataliePis)


Fraugster is a payment security company that is eliminating fraud and increasing our customers’ profits. Over the last years we’ve invented an artificial intelligence technology that combines human-like accuracy with machine scalability. This ability lets us foresee fraudulent attacks before they actually happen and gives us a distinct competitive advantage over every other player in the payment security space.


At Women Techmakers Berlin we have been encouraging diversity in tech in Berlin since 2015. We strive for visibility, networking and resources to make the tech community of Berlin inclusive. We are one of the most active chapters of the global Women Techmakers program run by Google.

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