iOS Study Jam #6 Session

Women Techmakers Berlin

Are you interested in learning Swift/iOS? Then this is the right study jam for you. We are excited to invite you to our iOS Study Jam 2018. There will be 10 sessions between Oct 2nd - December 4th, one every week, each lasting for approximately 3h. ★ #6 Study Jam ★:App. Networking We will cover the following topics: \- General issues with networking \- How things work: URLSession \- Usef

Nov 6, 2018, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Are you interested in learning Swift/iOS? Then this is the right study jam for you.
We are excited to invite you to our iOS Study Jam 2018. There will be 10 sessions between Oct 2nd - December 4th, one every week, each lasting for approximately 3h.

★ #6 Study Jam ★:App. Networking

We will cover the following topics:
- General issues with networking
- How things work: URLSession
- Useful 3rd party libs to use in your app
- Troubleshooting networking problems in your app


Dmitry Bespalov
iOS developer at, building convenient 2fa crypto wallet.

Kateryna Gridina
Senior Mobile engineer at Zalando. Conducted several talks and workshops in conferences across the world. Enthusiastic about mobile development, new technologies, and community

★ Who is this for? ★

You are new to Swift/iOS: This is your first experience with it!

You have some previous programming experience: This Study Jam does not cover the basics of programming!

You are willing to learn in an inclusive, safe space and willing to follow our code of conduct:

★ What will you need? ★
-> Mac and charger
-> Create a free account at
-> Install Xcode 10.0 > from the
-> Curiosity and your desire to learn

At Women Techmakers Berlin we have been encouraging diversity in tech in Berlin since 2015. We strive for visibility, networking and resources to make the tech community of Berlin inclusive. We are one of the most active chapters of the global Women Techmakers program run by Google.

Our meetup groups are always open to people of all backgrounds, regardless of gender, age, race, expertise, etc. - everyone is welcome!

All our events are free of charge. We offer:
-> FiresideChats with interesting companies with Q&A Sessions
-> Programming courses: Javascript Study Jam, Kotlin Study Jam, Flutter Study jam
-> Workshops on topics like Google Assistant, Pitching
-> Events where you can watch great presentations
-> One of the most vibrant communities of Berlin

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And join us on SLACK:
We have a dedicated channel for this study jam: #ios-study-jam-2018


  • Anna Morgiel


    Android Engineer

  • Bukola Johnson

    Hellofresh SE


  • Michelle Torres

  • Natalie Pistunovich

    Independent Consultant

    GDG Organizer

  • Seemran Xec


    Software Engineer

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