Having a Baby and Staying Sorted Financially When the Baby Comes

Women Techmakers Berlin

The past few months have changed many things about our life, including careers and financial situations, but some things move forward regardless of the situation, one of which is growing your family. For the future, soon-to-be and existing parents in the crowd, we're hosting Karolina Decker, the founder and CEO of FinMarie, to teach us about financial planning for the times that your family grows

May 14, 2020, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

17 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

The past few months have changed many things about our life, including careers and financial situations, but some things move forward regardless of the situation, one of which is growing your family.

For the future, soon-to-be and existing parents in the crowd, we're hosting Karolina Decker, the founder and CEO of FinMarie, to teach us about financial planning for the times that your family grows.

A new arrival is likely to mean some big changes to the family finances, but the last thing you want as a new parent is for money worries to be a distraction. With a bit of planning, you can keep your finances under control and enjoy all the great things about having a baby.


18:00-18:15 Welcome and Intro to WTM / Natalie Pistunovich
18:15-19:15 Having a Baby and Staying Sorted Financially When the Baby Comes / Karolina Decker
19:15-20:00 Q&A


Karolina Decker is a Founder and CEO of FinMarie, first online investment platform for women in Europe. Karolina has over ten years experience in the financial sector, initially as a manager at DnB NORD Polska in Warsaw (real estate financing), with responsibility for 20 employees and financing volume of 250 million euros per year. Later during her time with Deutsche Bank in Berlin (Compliance), she noticed that female clients ask different questions than men and have a different approach to wealth creation. As soon as she recognized the problem, she started working on a solution. The mother of two children started the regular series of events with a colleague in August 2017 Mind the Gap for women to learn about their finances. The Meetup and seminar format on the subject „Women & Wealth” is now held nationwide. The “Mind the Gap” community comprises more than 3000 women and is growing continuously.


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  • Natalie Pistunovich

    Independent Consultant

    GDG Organizer

  • Bukola Johnson

    Hellofresh SE


  • Seemran Xec


    Software Engineer

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